Student of the Month Story

Who: Saul Hannibal.
What: Saul earned the Student of the Month award.
When: March 4th, 2019.
Where: Bowie High School.
Why: He had good grades, community service, JROTC and photography. 
How: Having a balanced lifestyle and setting goals for himself helped him achieve his goal. 

   On March 4th, 2019 local Bowie High School student Saul Hannibal received the Student of the Month Award by having a diverse lifestyle and setting reasonable goals for himself. Hannibal maintains stellar grades, tremendously helps out his community, is an active photographer and serves in the local Bowie JROTC.

   The student of the month is chosen every 30 days by principal Eve Harold. 

   "We chose freshman Saul Hannibal as student of the month because of his hard work and discipline that led him to having astonishing grades and success in his diverse extra curricular activities," principal of Bowie High School Eve Harold stated. 

    Saul Hannibal is a occupied high schooler. He does many activities outside of school like photography, JROTC, community service and more.

   "Saul is always doing something or engaged in helping others. He works as a leader in his local photography club, does community service at the local food drives, and completes tasks for the JROTC. He is a very amazing person who deserves this award," Saul's Mom Anita Perry-Hannibal expressed.

   While Saul is a very busy young man, he incorporates many important aspects in his life daily. One of the most important things he tells us that helps him succeed is his ability to manage his time.

   "I manage my time by doing my activities, going home and playing Fortnite," Hannibal said. 

  As we know, Saul has many ways of conquering goals in his life. One of the things he learned through achieving this award is that being the best is rewarding

   "I learned that not being the best is the worst and being the best is the BEST," Hannibal said.

   One thing that Hannibal expressed was that this award impacted him to want to do better things in the future.

   "This award motivates me to achieve higher goals in life," Hannibal said.

   Although Saul has many desires in his life, he stated that was also able to achieve this award by the impact of a special person- his father.

  "My dad helped me push myself to do my best and he reminded me constantly that I needed to keep going until I was the best. 'You're not the best until you are the best' is what he told me everyday which kept me in check," Saul stated.

   Even though Hannibal's father had a high impact on his outcome, Saul couldn't have done it without his peers. Since they impacted him, he wants to give them some advice in return on how to win this award.

   "Since most people don't go for this award, it is not that difficult to get. You have to work harder and be better than your peers to receive this award," Saul stated. 

