My First Interview

Saul Hannibal
1. How did you achieve the student of the month award?
By doing a lot and nothing at the same time. Good grades, community service, JROTC and photography. Having a balanced lifestyle helped me achieve this goal. 
2. What goals did you have to make in order to receive this award?
My goals were 10 hours of community service, to study for 3 hours a day, and enter my photos into the vogue magazine competition.
3.What advice would you give to a future student trying to win this award?
Since most people don't go for this award, it is not that difficult to get. You have to work harder and be better than your peers to chive this award.
4. What would you have done differently in your life to help achieve this award easier?
I would put more effort, work harder and be more disciplined.
5. Why did you get nominated and chosen for this award?
I got nominated for this award because I worked harder than everyone else. I had good grades, many diverse extra curricular activities, and took my time on everything.
6. What impact in your life helped you stay focused to achieve this award?
My dad helped me push myself to do my best and he reminded me constantly that I needed to keep going until I was the best. "Your not the best until you are the best" is what he told me everyday which kept me in check!
7. What helps you stay focused to be a good student?
My ADD medicine helped me stay focused to be a stellar student at Bowie HS.
8. Do you consider yourself successful at school, home and in extra curricular activities?
Personally I am not a hard worker but I paid my dad to be my personal and mental trainer so he could help me achieve this award.
9. How do you manage your time?
I do my activities, go home and play Fortnite.
10. What is a difficulty you have overcome that impacted your life?
Not being the best Fortnite god in the school made me very angry. I wanted to become popular and being student of the moth fulfilled that.
11. What lessons in life have you learned that helped you achieve this award?
I learned that not being the best is the worst and being the best is the BEST.
12. Did you receive a medal, certificate or recognition for this award?
I received 50 dollars, and award and a scholarship to the Fortnite Gaming University(FGU) located in Tilted Towers.
13. Is this award meaningful to you? Why or why not?
No, because it is not the best award I can receive in this school.
14. How does this award impact your life?
It motivates me to achieve higher goals in life.
15. Are you going to look at your scholarly goals and lifestyle in a new perspective after receiving this award?
No, because my ways are great and changing them would be a disaster.
16. Did you learn anything from winning this award?
I learned that I am better than some people, but not all.
17. Are you going to change any of your habits, ways or traditions in order to become an even better student?
No because better is better. 
18. What is the biggest accomplishment you have ever won?
The National Spelling Bee.
19. What is your reaction to winning this award?
I am very proud of myself!
20. How do you think receiving this this award impacted your reputation?
It made my reputation slightly higher and my life got better and easier.
21. How do you think winning this award impacted your friends and peers?
They were mad and jealous that they did not win this award like me.
22. How did this award impact you specifically?
I am now very cool, popular and godly person in Bowie HS.


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