Sports Warm Up!

When a team wins a game, it is traditional for the coach to get dumped with a liquid like water or Gatorade to celebrate victory. The shutter-speed is slow. It captures some light and no stop-motion. If a higher shutter speed was used it would have been able to capture the water and keep it still in the photo. This is a key moment. It is the moment of victory. This photographer could have lined the right settings up on the camera and had it ready for this moment so the photo could capture the water instead of a blur. The advanced techniques in this photo are balance and rule of thirds. The photo is balanced with players on one side and the coach with the water jug on the other. This photo is also in rule of thirds because the subject, the coach who is getting dumped on, is in the rule of thirds grid perfectly. Although the shutter speed is incorrectly set, the photographer used good judgement of time to capture the water hitting the coach perfectly.


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