Sensory Overload

1. I think this statement is very true and meaningful because people buy so many objects that shape  their environment- internally, externally and stereotypically. I agree with this statement because people purchase so many things from websites, stores and others to impact their own environments. For example, if you are trying to make a positive environment or darkening one, you can buy different items to display the mood you want to show. As an aspiring photographer, this makes me feel eager to go around the world and study different environments so I can take affective pictures in them. There is so much diversity in this world to be captured, and I would like to capture some of it before it is gone! When I take pictures, I capture diversity. it makes me feel good about my photos, but I would like to take even more unique pictures.(by going to unique places)

2. Yes! I would love to visit this place because there are so many raw, unique and colorful items. It would be so fun to photograph the different stores, objects and items that are all different and cool.

3. If I was a young child for someone who worked at the place, I think it would be exhilarating and joyous to  visit and play. But, I feel after 25 visits or so it would start being boring and overpowering.....

4. My favorite photo is the one of all the flowers that are millions of colors. There is a woman sitting with her back towards the camera. She is looking down and flowers are surrounding her. There are flowers and plants hanging from the ceiling and there is so much color and beauty. The flowers are framing the woman and the floor pathway available and shown is leading my eyes to the woman.(leading lines)


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