Shutterbug Websites

DIY Photography's websites intention is to share camera hacks, tips, a variety of techniques an share the latest camera gadgets, news, applications and inventions. This website writes about current photography news( for example the instagram "egg"),  gives good insider knowledge, tutorials, reviews of cameras and techniques, big innovations and helpful advice and many other things. An average viewer can receive so much detailed and useful information on new devices before they purchase them, the proper way to accomplish certain techniques, the latest news, ideas, creative DIY lighting, props, shoots, etc. This website is very beneficial and has many good facts on how to be a better photographer, boost your creativity, etc. I am going to add this website to my bookmarks because it stems creativity, helps improve photography, keeps up to date news and has many more great aspects. I totally recommend this website because it has so many good tips, up to date news, brainstorming ideas and good reviews of products. I also recommend this because there are many DIY photography inspirations and photo shoot ideas that are explained well and creative on their website.I rate this website of a 4. I think they could make the website's appearance more attractive but besides that it is very helpful!!!

I chose this photo off of DIY Photography's website because it is very creative and gives good information. This photographer, Neil Burnell, photographed a remote mossy forest at the right time to capture an 'enchanted mystical fairytale forest" photograph. He did this simply by finding the right environment and location and correct weather to capture this photo. I learned from this that if you want a certain theme, you should photograph at the right time in the right place. By photographing when it was misty and foggy outside, this photographer added so many elements to his photo. I learned so much on how to improve my photography just by reading this short article! I also chose this photo because it is so mystical and produces feelings of curiosity and anticipation. When a photo is able to produce feelings, moods or a tone it is very powerful and can have great affect on many people. This is very moving and can brawl emotions!!!!!!!


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