Phobia Project

A. A phobia is an extreme, consistent and irrational fear of a certain thing.
B. Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single.
    Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.
    Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia- Fear of cancer.
    Geliophobia- Fear of laughter.
    Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish.
I would like to use the fear of failure, fear of balloons and the fear of laughter!

In my fear of failure, I want to have many successful people surrounding a person on their knees with their hands over their face in frustration. This would be a horizontal picture so I could have many successful people in the photo. I will use my friends as the figures. They can dress up in costumes as different successful people! I am going to have a balanced photo because my subject will be down the middle with the same amount of people on both sides of them. In the background, I want to include a big blue sky that implies they sky is the limit and that anyone who puts their mind to something may fall down but that they will get back up and fly high. I want the. perspective to be below the people looking up at everyone. It will show the "tall" successful people and the person on their knees will be short and not as grand- *YET* ;) I want the failure to be dark and the other successors to be light and bright. I will do successful people with costumes and the unsuccessful in dark clothing and make up. Body language of the successors are happy an boastful, the failure is down on themselves, sad and disappointed. The phobia is presented because people who have success in the world are surrounding a person who has accomplished nothing in their life.

In fear of balloons, Globophobia, I will blow up many different colors of balloons and have my friend Morgan dress in all white clothing and have her with a scared expression on her face. It will be a vertical photo to show all of the balloons up in the air with only Morgan's body. The background will include flooring and paint with a low sealing.  I am going to place the camera on top of Morgan and the balloons to snap the picture. She will be holding the balloons on strings and a hole will be by her face so you can see her frightened expression. In other words, the photo will look down on her and the balloons. It will be bright in the room to see the colors contrast with Morgan. This photo will use simplicity because it is just Morgan with balloons in a clean room. Her fear will be shown through her facial expression!

In the fear of laughter picture, I will get my family together and make them tell jokes to get natural laughter. Then, I will use my friend Madi as a subject in the middle of my family. She will be covering her ears and have a pained expression on her face. It will be a horizontal picture to show my entire family laughing around Madi. I will use rule of thirds by having Madi be a little to the side of the circle. I will take this picture from a sideways point of view. Madi will be wearing dark loose clothing to create a depressing image. This phobia will be shown because Madi will be horrified by the laughter, which will be visible by the picture.

D. failure: I will use a forced perspective which will add depth to the photo.
     balloons: I will use a lighting tool to brighten her face in this picture with Morgan screaming as she looks at her self with balloons in all directions...
     laughter: I will make sure to keep Madi dark while my family is lighter so Madi can stand out as being afraid and sad.


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