Extra Credit for Semester Final Exam

1. The 58 year old named Ki Suk Han was attempting to calm down a harassing pan handler man when the angry and crazy pan handler pushed him into the subway and he was hit by a train around 12:30pm. After being pushed in, Ki strugglingly tried to push himself out of the tracks but failed to do so in time. The New York Post photographer expressed how he tried to use his camera flash to warn the subway train driver after he was unable to help Ki Suk Han, but it failed to work.
2. The photographer took the picture with his flash on to try to warn the train conductor to stop the subway train before he hit the man who was pushed into the tracks.
3. I think the photographer should have taken the photo because he was capturing a moment of the power of mankind's evilness while trying to help the victim. This photo showed many people how evil anyone can be and how quickly anyones life can flash by. It can teach people to be more careful and aware of their own consequences.
4. I feel that the photographer did the best in his situation because the train was very close and he would have gotten hit or died trying to save the man anyways....... If the train was approaching from farther away, then the photographer could have pulled the man out. It depends on the situation.
5. While this picture is very emotional and wrong, I think that using the picture on the cover of the New York Post gave many Americans a wake up call. It made Americans face the truth of evil and how detrimentally horrifying American evilness had become within their own home city, state and country.
6. I think capturing images of life as it occurs is more important to a photojournalist because in the end, everyone dies. What is actually important is capturing events no matter how emotional, depressing or wrong they can be. Seizing the significant moments while you can is imortant so many more generations can see our mistakes and hopefully learn from them to make the future world a better place.
7. I think if the photographer plays a part in the photo they are taking then they should be able to be apart of it. If the photographer has a role, theirs deserves to be seen too. If it is true, then it should be allowed in the photo because all photographers should want to portray the most honest pictures possible.
8. I think they should try to keep away from influencing events because they could change the outcomes of history, a moment or a change in our world. This can be detrimental for our country and our people because changing the outcome of an event instead of telling it through pictures could change history for the better or worse.
9. I think the photographers should sympathize for the certain photographer and the man. Maybe they have a different opinion on what they would have done, but in the moment the photographer did the best that they felt they could have done. It was a fast moment with not a lot of time to think and I do not agree that everyone should hate on the photographer because in the moment they most likely would have done the same or something similar.... [ sometimes other photographers just wouldn't have admitted it :( ... ]


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