On this website, I found ten good tips to apply for a fresh start in my photography career. For example, instead of shooting projects you can't relate to passionately, shoot photography that is personal to you and you will be more passionate about your photos. I also learned that changing the way you take photos isn't always bad. Also, that trying new things is okay and so is messing up. The number one thing to be 100% sure of is your confidence and courage to try new things to improve!
My favorite photo:


a. I love this photo because the puppy is so cute! This photo captured the puppy's emotions and reactions of snow. I love this because it incorporates the puppy in a natural stance!
b. In this photo, I see simplicity because the background is a snowy white and makes the puppy stand out. I also think this is simplistic because the puppy is looking at the snowflakes and is the only subject in the picture. It reduces the busy-ness of the photo which makes this photo stand out to me.
c. The photographer of these pictures is Jenna Martin.


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